By numbering the board as shown, follow the moves
in the numerical order under the #'s columns.
4 | WH | | | | BL | 4
3 | WH | | | | BL | 3
2 | WH | | | | BL | 2
1 | WH | | | | BL | 1
# White Moves # Black Moves
-- -------------- -- --------------
1 A2->B3 2 E2->D3->B1
3 B3->D1 4 E4->D3->C4
5 B1->A2
6 D1->C2->E4 7 C4->E2
8 A2->C4
9 E4->B1
10 A4->C2->E4 11 E2->D1
12 C4->B3->A4
13 B1->D3 14 D1->B3->A2
15 D3->E2
Two White and Two Black Bishop's should
now be switched.
# White Moves # Black Moves
-- -------------- -- --------------
16 A3->B2 17 E3->D2->B4
18 B2->D4 19 E1->D2->C1
20 B4->A3
21 D4->C3->E1 22 C1->E3
23 A3->C1
24 E1->B4
25 A1->C3->E1 26 E3->D4
27 C1->B2->A1
28 B4->D2 29 D4->B2->A3
30 D2->E3
All Bishop's should now be swapped.
Solution from 7th Guest Walkthrough
Bishop Swap Puzzle
In chess, the bishop can move diagonally in any direction. The
object of the Bishop Swap puzzle is to use valid bishop moves to swap
sides of the black and white pieces. In other words, all the white
bishops should end up in right side of the board and all the black
bishops in the left side of the board. You cannot move the piece to a
square where an opposing bishop could capture it or the path is
blocked by another bishop.
To play, click on the bishop you wish to move. If more than one
move is possible, the valid moves will be highlighted. Click on a
highlighted square to move the bishop to it.
Be sure to try my other puzzles!
Moves: 0